
This feed returns all the events within the network.


  •{feed type}


  • af{affiliateid}
  • ky{api key}
  • Optional => fd{fromdate}, format yymmdd 160728
  • Optional => td{enddate}, format yymmdd 160728
  • Optional => cd{customdate}, sends all the events on this weekend events or next weekend events, values "thiswe", "nextwe"
  • Optional => mk{marketareaid}, sends all the events within the market area
  • Optional => ve{veaid}, sends all the events from a specific venue, you can also send multiple venues as the ve token, to send them separate them by “_”, example ve1103_1163_1164
  • Optional => uv{urvenueid}, sends all the events from a specific urvenue venue
  • Optional => rm{roomid}, sends all the events from an specific roomid
  • Optional => sb{sortby}, values "date", if no sb specified returns all the events by popularity


  • Featured array: Returns the featured market areas in the market array.

  • Venues array: Returns all the general information in the venue, the id provided in this array is also know as the veaid.
    • Logos array: Return the venue logo in different colors and backgrounds.
    • Shots array: Return venue shots in different ratios and types.

  • Events array: Returns all the events within the network.

  • Flyers array: Returns the flyers associated to the event.

  • Headliners array: Main performer/ DJ.

  • Tickets array: Returns the available tickets or tables for this event.

Example call