
This feed returns all the tickets by category by venue and room.


  • itemsvenue.{feed type}


  • af{affiliateid}
  • ky{api key}
  • dt{caldate}, format yymmdd (160729)
  • uv{urvenueid}
  • ve{veaid}
  • Optional => rm{roomid}


  • Tabs Array: Contains all the different categories of items.

  • Tix Array: Returns all the items by category.

  • Item Array (i{0-9}) fields:
    • Statename: Shows the item state, only display “Available” should be renderer to the customer.
    • Terms: Display the terms and conditions for the items.
    • Id: Itemid needed for the checkout.
    • Name: Item Name.
    • * Baseprice: Item price without fees or taxes.
    • * Paynow: Item full price.
    • * Minimun: Minimun spend amount at the venue for the specific item.
    • Depositperc: The percentage of the baseprice the customer is going to pay upfront, formula: Deposit = baseprice0.Depositperc/100
    • * Overcharge: The amount the price increments per guest when selecting more guest of the capacity of the item (The guest to select need to be less than the maxguests allowed).
    • Capacity: Number of guest valid per item.
    • Max Guests: Maximun number of guest allowed in a single transaction.

* Field needs to be divided by 100 in order to get the correct amount.

Example call