Image Manipulation

The optional effect code can be one of the following:

  • s: Sepia
  • g: Grayscale
  • b: Blur

The process code can be one of the following:

  • SC: Scale and contain.
  • SD: Scale and distort.
  • KT,KL,KC,KR,KB: Scale and crop (top, left, center, right, bottom).
  • BK: Scale and add color bleeding.

For the bleed color, you can specify any HTML named color. A list of color names can be found on Also, you can specify an hex code with the format x123ABC instead of the color name.


URI to original image: /imateq/venue/446/1084/raw/2299.jpg

URI to get a distorted 500 x 500 version with blur effect: /imateq/venue/446/1084/b500SD500/2299.jpg. The raw string in the original URI is replaced by the code b500SD500 and the result is the following image:

URI to get a 500 x 500 version, cropped from the top: /imateq/venue/446/1084/500KT200/2299.jpg.

URI to get a 500 x 500 version, cropped from the left: /imateq/venue/446/1084/500KL500/2299.jpg.

URI to get a 500 x 500 version, cropped from the center: /imateq/venue/446/1084/500KC200/2299.jpg.

URI to get a 500 x 500 version, cropped from the right: /imateq/venue/446/1084/500KR500/2299.jpg.

URI to get a 500 x 500 version, cropped from the bottom: /imateq/venue/446/1084/500KB200/2299.jpg.

URI to get a scaled version, contained within 500 x 500 with sepia effect: /imateq/venue/446/1084/s500SC500/2299.jpg.

URI to get a scaled black & white version, contained within 500 x 500 with blue bleeding: /imateq/venue/446/1084/g500BK500blue/2299.jpg. The hex code equivalent URL would be /imateq/venue/446/1084/g500BK500x0000FF/2299.jpg