This feed returns all the venues optionally you can return all the venues in a market area.
- af{affiliateid}
- ky{api key}
- Optional => mk{marketareaid}
- Featured array: Returns the featured venues areas in the venues array.
![](/user/pages/14.apis/06.venues/featured array.png)
- Venue types array: Returns all the venues by type in the venues array.
![](/user/pages/14.apis/06.venues/venues types array.png)
- Venues array: Returns all the general information in the venue, the id provided in this array is also know as the veaid.
- Logos array: Return the venue logo in different colors and backgrounds.
- Shots array: Return venue shots in different ratios and types.
![](/user/pages/14.apis/06.venues/venues array.png)
Example call