
Creating Private URLs and Items.

Private URL

Many different private sites can be added for multiple purposes, like giving comped tickets for a radio station contest, or have tickets added with different characteristics (including price) for a partner company's staff members, etc.

This sites will display all the items you have added for any given date, but also, they will display the items you choose aren't available for the rest of your customers on your website.

  • Select the event date. From the top menu click on Settings, and select Private

  • On your Private Sites page, click on Add Private Site. A popup will appear, and you will need to fill the information to create the site.

1. Prefix: Here you will enter the url prefix for the private site. This will be added before your venue's microsite url, for example if you were to add a Private site for 'Party Nightclubs', you could enter party on prefix, making their site url ''

2. Name: This name is just for internal use and quick reference for the place or user that will be the site holder, following the example above, in this field you would enter Party Nightclubs.

3. Password Required: If you want your created URL to be password protected, but it's not a requirement, you can leave it either way: On/Off.

4. Password: Enter a password for the site, it can be alphanumeric (this will display only if you choose to turn ON the Password Required option).

5. Confirm Password: Confirm by typing the password again.

  • Save: Once finished filling out the requested information, Save your microsite settings.

Every Private URL added will display here, and you will have easy access to the site's URL and password (if any). You will be able to change any of this information as many times as needed by clicking on the Edit (pencil) icon.

If you choose to set a password for any of these sites, it will be required to all users that access, as on the example private URL:

Private Items

The same way you can add as many private sites as required, you can also create as many private items as needed, and have them all linked to different private URLs. Everything you can add to your day inventory can be linked to your private URLs (General Admission, Free Admission, Package Deposits, etc.).

On your Day Inventory, click to edit on the item you will be locking to the private site, and go to the 'Private' tab. Here you will find all the sites that you have created, check the one that you will use, and Save.