Creating/Managing Items

  • Click on the left hand tab that says “UvTix”

  • Click on the left hand tab that says “Venues”

You will see all the configured venues for your account

  • Click on “Select” next to the venue you will be focusing on.

You will see calendar with programed events.

  • Select the date you will be focusing on.

Once you select a date you will see the “Items” screen. On this page you will be able to manage all the items for this specific date. You will see:

A.) Date Summary: Pricing Template/Tier, Event Info, The Headliner (Green).

B.) New Item Form: the needed fields to create a new Item (Red).

C.) Created Items: all the Items that have been created for that date (Blue).

In order to create a new Item you will need to fill out the following fields.

A.) Item Type: General Admission, Table Deposit, Package etc.

B.) Gender: If the ticket is for a specific gender.

C.) Price: Pricing detail of the item.

D.) Stock: Amount of tickets that will be available for sale.

E.) Add Item: Final Step to creating item.

After you click “Add Item” you will see a form popup where you can see all of the item’s details, you will need to include the missing information.

  • Enter the item name.
  • Enter Max tickets (how many tickets can be purchased in a single transaction).
  • Enter Arrive By (the arrival time you would like displayed on the ticket).
  • Enter Capacity (how many guests can enter with this item).
  • Enter any additional information that may be needed.
  • Once done click ”Save and Close” .

You can see the created item by scrolling down and selecting the section and then the item.