
Tokens are a two letter code with a value this helps identify custom calls to the feeds for example the following token

Example url: ve27699dt160729uv709283778kyuvtix-vdwuuboja0af8091824acedssonpro0

  • ve => veaid
  • dt => date
  • uv => urvenueid
  • ky => cypherkey
  • af => affid
  • ac => affcode

Please notice that any token with letters needs to end with a 0 examples: acedssonpro0 kyuvtix-vdwuuboja0

List of all the tokens

  • zz => unkown
  • mk => marketareaid
  • vt => venuetypeid
  • mt => musictypeid
  • vn => venueid
  • ct => clientid
  • dt => date
  • nd => numdays
  • fd => startdate
  • td => enddate
  • ev => eventid
  • uv => urvenueid
  • ve => venueid
  • nw => numweeks
  • sw => startweekday
  • gt => globaltype
  • it => itemid
  • gu => guest
  • me => memberid
  • us => userid
  • so => source
  • mi => microsite
  • af => affid
  • or => origin
  • md => media
  • sa => subaf
  • ot => tipperc
  • og => originator
  • wb => website
  • pc => promocode
  • ky => cypherkey
  • ci => connectid
  • cc => connectcode
  • ai => artistid
  • vi => venueinfo
  • rm => roomid
  • dm => domain
  • sk => secretkey
  • pr => privateid
  • cd => customdate
  • sb => sortby
  • la => landing
  • ac => affcode
  • pg => privategroup
  • gn => gender
  • si => sessionid
  • rd => rndcode
  • gi => guestlistid
  • di => drinkid
  • ti => tixid