PreAuth Management Sections

UV has improved the PreAuth section to make it easier to manage.
Now your Hosts can add their own PreAuth Requests, and submit them for you to only review and either Approve or Deny.

PreAuth tab

When accessing your PreAuth Tab, you will see that now they have been divided into 3 sections.

  1. To Capture: Here you will see the requests that you have Approved, and have already been filled out by the customers.
  2. Declined: In this section you will find the PreAuths that were filled out and were declined afterwards.
  3. Pending: These are the requests that your team has submitted for you to review before a link is sent to the customer.

All requests for PreAuths submitted by your team will be listed by date on the Pending tab:

Icon Action
A. Deny: If you wish to deny a request you will have to click on the first button (yellow), this will give you a popup in which you have to enter a reason for the denial (note that until you've entered something in the text box, the Yes button will be unclickable).

Once the request is denied, the host will receive a notification email, which will include the reason entered for the denial.

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B. Approve: This will approve the request. After approving, an email will be sent out to your guest letting them know that the PreAuth is approved, and also the customer will receive an email containing the link to fill out their form.
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C. Go to Day: This button will take you to your Item > PreAuth section on the event date.

Item PreAuth Section

A few changes have been done to this section as well. Before you would see all your generated PreAuths together, no matter the status, but now it has been divided as well with Status Filters:

  1. Approved: All preauths approved but not completed yet, added directly by you or requested by your team.
  2. Pending: Here you can also see all your pending requests as in the PreAuth tab. You will also have the ability to Deny and Approve, but also Edit, or Delete the requests.
  3. Denied: The requests submitted by your team that were denied can be found in this tab.
  4. Completed: PreAuths that have already been filled out by the customers and paid for.
  5. Expired: PreAuths that have exceeded the time to be completed by the customers will appear in this tab.